Media & Publications
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Other Publications

RITICS Publications
- Game Theory and Industrial Control Systems in Semantics, Logics and Calculi
- Critical Component Defence vs. Defence-in-Depth for Industrial Control Systems
- Models of Interdependency between Safety and Security in Industrial Control Systems
- Modelling Cost-efficiency of Defenses in Industrial Control Systems
- Modelling Interdependency between Safety and Security of ICS by Bayesian Networks
- Modelling Effective Defence against Zero-Day Exploits Using Bayesian Networks
- Comparing User-Centric and Vulnerability-based Attack Models Against Industrial Control Systems
- Bloom Filters and LSTM Networks for Multi-level Anomaly Detection in Industrial Control Systems
- Trends in Cyber Security of Industrial Control Systems
- Michalec, O., Milyaeva, S. and Rashid, A. (2022) When the future meets the past: can safety and cyber security coexist in modern critical infrastructures? Big Data and Society.
- Michalec, O., Milyaeva, S. and Rashid, A. (2021) Reconfiguring governance: How cyber security regulations are reconfiguring water governance. Regulation and Governance.