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Securing critical national infrastructure (CNI) has to factor in the economic principles that govern the dynamics and relationships of the various stakeholders involved in terms of technology adoption and, behaviour and culture. The decisions of operators, suppliers and regulators affect key measures of risks, incidents and disruptions are also important. Equally relevant is the impact of digital and physical lock-ins, externalities and asymmetries.

This event seeks to uncover some of the research themes underlying CNI security in railways. A selection of speakers will share insights from their understanding and experience to provide a context to the wider discussions. The event will be an opportunity to develop a research agenda and explore opportunities as to how some of the relevant challenges can be addressed.

Securing critical national infrastructure (CNI) has to factor in the economic principles that govern the dynamics and relationships of the various stakeholders involved in terms of technology adoption and, behaviour and culture. The decisions of operators, suppliers and regulators affect key measures of risks, incidents and disruptions are also important. Equally relevant is the impact of digital and physical lock-ins, externalities and asymmetries.

This event seeks to uncover some of the research themes underlying CNI security in railways. A selection of speakers will share insights from their understanding and experience to provide a context to the wider discussions. The event will be an opportunity to develop a research agenda and explore opportunities as to how some of the relevant challenges can be addressed.

We will observe Chatham House rules to encourage openness of discussion.

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